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10 The Piano Guys 10 2020 Someone You Loved

10 The Piano Guys 10 2020 Someone You Loved

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пятница, 27 января 2012 г.

Omdaru radio music 2012 06 ( modern classical,new age)

Omdaru radio music 2012 06 ( modern classical,new age)

Omdaru radio music 2012 06 by Visual Neoclassical Omdaru on Mixcloud

1. Classicus - Tragedy on Christmas Eve (3:31)
2. Max Richter - Alone Together, Part 2 (1:38)
3. Alexandre Desplat - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (1:57)
4. Soundtrack - Acting On Desires (2:21)
5. Hior Chronik - Rainy Yellow Leaves On A Tree (4:19)
6. Max Richter - Departure (1:36)
7. 07 State Of Mind - A Fabulous Collection Of Ambient Mood Music (2005) 08. Truth
8. 08 The Iron Lady (Thomas Newman) (2011) 21 - Steady the Buffs
9. 09 Amadeus - Original Soundtrack Special Edition - Director's Cut 02. Giuseppe Giordano - Caro Mio Ben
10. 10 Renato Anselmi - Islands of Dream (1997) 01 - Island of Dream
11. 11 VictOr A From Out Of 2012 1. VictOr A [ From out of ] - Con
12. 12 Max Richter 2008 - Waltz With Bachir (OST) 03. The Haunted Ocean 1
13. 13 The Bear's Voice - Condemned To Live (2011) 01. I Hate Myself and I Want To Cry
14. 14 Alexandre Desplat - Extremely loud and incredibly close (2012) 10. Oxymorons
15. 15 Max Richter 2009 - La Prima Linea (OST) 16. Requies (Epilogue) (with Elissa Lee)
16. 16 Classicus - 2012 - Silvern ascent of enigmatic winter 02 - In the wake of the Northern Stranger
17. 01 Classicus - 2012 - Silvern ascent of enigmatic winter 03 - On snow-covered road
18. 02 Max Richter 2006 - Songs From Before 02. Flowers For Yulia
19. 03 Amadeus - Original Soundtrack Special Edition - Director's Cut 11. W.A. Mozart - Adagio 
20. 04 Oak Shine - Dream Journey (2010) 03.Chapter I - Two Dolphins
21. 05 Max Richter 2006 - Songs From Before 08. Sunlight
22. 06 T.N.T - Omen (2002) 02.Veni Creator Spiritus
23. 07 Max Richter 2008 - Waltz With Bachir (OST) 13. What Had They Done 
24. 08 The Iron Lady (Thomas Newman) (2011) 09 - The Great In Great Britain
25. 09 Max Richter 2008 - 24 Postcards In Full Colour 02. H In New England
26. 10 Tangerine Dream - Finnegan's Wake (2011) 03 - Resurrection By The Spirit
27. 11 Max Richter 2008 - 24 Postcards In Full Colour 23. Found Song For P
28. 12 The Artist Soundtrack 2011 24.Peppy and George
29. 13 Max Richter 2008 - 24 Postcards In Full Colour 20. The Tartu Piano
30. 14 Amadeus - Original Soundtrack Special Edition - Director's Cut 14. W.A. Mozart - Requiem Rex Tremendae Majestatis
31. 15 Amadeus - Original Soundtrack Special Edition - Director's Cut 15. W.A. Mozart - Requiem Confutatis
32. 16 The Iron Lady (Thomas Newman) (2011) 22 - Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWW 846

воскресенье, 15 января 2012 г.

Omdaru radio music 2012 05 ( new age, soundtracks)

Omdaru radio music 2012 05 ( new age, soundtracks)

Omdaru radio music 2012 05 by Visual Neoclassical Omdaru on Mixcloud

    1. Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra (2001: A Space Odyssey, 2001) (1:48) 2. Amethyste - A Bientot (4:19) 3. Igor Lipinski - Letter to Love (4:58) 4. Corelli - Violin Sonata in D minor (Jefferson in Paris, 1995) (10:21) 5. Schubert - Piano Trio in E flat (Barry Lyndon, 1975) (9:36) 6. 06-Simon Cooper-Parting (5:24) 7. 07 - Verdi - Dammi tu forza, o cielo! (Pretty Woman, 1990) 8. 08-Christopher Young-The Uninvited 9. 09 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 01. Advent Rising Muse 10. 10 Medwyn.Goodall-Knight.2011 Medwyn Goodall - Knight - 01 - Thee Immortal 11. 11-Morten Sorlie-Faith (Dreamfall) 12. 12 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 05. Final Fantasy VIII Liberi Fatali 13. 13 Igor Lipinski - -Letters- - 02 Letter of Remembrance 14. 14-Gregory Fillen-Sharp 15. 15 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 07. Uncharted – Drake s Fortune Nate’s Theme 16. 16 - Robbins - A Portrait Returns - Darlington Hall - End Credits (The Remains of the Day, 1993) 17. 17 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 09. World of Warcraft Seasons of War 18. 18 - Fenton - Shadowlands End Credits (Shadowlands, 1993) 19. 19 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 13. Elder Scrolls Oblivion 20. 20 Amethyste.Deliverance.2011 05. Heaven's Embrace 21. 21 Igor Lipinski - -Letters- - 03 Letter of Broken Promises 22. 22 London.Philharmonic.Orchestra.The.Greatest.Video.Game.Music.2011 15. Mass Effect Suicide Mission 23. 23 Radio.Classic.Angels.2011 12. Sacris Solemnis 24. 24 Sergey.Zhilin.Trio-Tchaikovsky.In.Jazz.2009 04 March - Song of the lark 25. 25 Christopher Franke 1996 - The Celestine Prophecy (Remastered 2004) 06. Mystical Experience On The Mountain 26. 26 Il Volo 10. Un amore cosi grande

среда, 11 января 2012 г.

Omdaru radio music 2012 04 ( new age, classical, crossover)

Omdaru radio music 2012 04 ( new age, classical, crossover))

Omdaru radio music 2012 04 by Visual Neoclassical Omdaru on Mixcloud

    1. Enigma - The Gate (2:04) 2. Sally Whitwell - Metamorphosis I (6:12) 3. Ariaphonics - Lullaby 2003 (5:06) 4. Origen - Antissa (4:59) 5. Joshua Bell, London Symphony Orchestra & John Williams - Love Is Here To Stay (3:45) 6. G. Donizetti - Una Fortiva Lagrima (adapted by A. Zakharenko) (6:20) 7. 07. Tony Dexter - It's Raining Inside 8. 08 A. Zakharenko - Tender Passion 9. 09-david orlowsky trio david orlowsky florian dohrmann jens-uwe popp & per arne glorvigen-noema 10. 10. Lara Fabian - Adagio 11. 11-martin ermen-earth song 12. 12 Alarm Will Sound performed Aphex Twin - Acoustica (2005) 06. Gwely Mernans 13. 13 Lacrimosa - V. Mozart (adapted by A. Zakharenko) 14. 14 Enigma 02. The Child in Us (The Dusted Variation) 15. 15 Alarm Will Sound performed Aphex Twin - Acoustica (2005) 13. Avril 14Th 16. 16 Gavrilin Valery from Anyuta and selected pieces 12 Anyuta big valse 17. 17. Jean-Patrick Capdevielle - Bellezza Divina 18. 18 -2cellos (sulic & hauser) stjepan hauser & luka sulic-with or without you 19. 19 Enigma 2003 - Voyageur 10. The Piano 20. 20-robert levin & charles neidich-sonata for clarinet and pianoforte in e-flat major andante 21. 21. Caccini - Ode To Innocence 22. 01. Erna Hemming - Prezioso Ricordo 23. 02 a;rhythmia 11. Alarm Will Sound - Agnus Dei II 24. 03 A. Zakharenko - In Vita Di Laura 25. 04 Enigma 2000 - The Screen Behind the Mirror 06. Traces (Light And Weight) 26. 05 Gavrilin Valery from Anyuta and selected pieces 01 Anyuta 27. 06 Sally Whitwell and Philip Glass - Mad Rush (2011) 06 - Metamorphosis V 28. 07 Enigma 2003 - Voyageur 04. Page Of Cups 29. 08. Megabyte -Ave Maria 30. 09 Enigma 2000 - The Screen Behind the Mirror 08. Endless Quest 31. 10-david garrett-who wants to live forever 32. 11 Gavrilin Valery from Anyuta and selected pieces 11 Anyuta 01 33. 12-yo-yo ma ennio morricone & roma sinfonietta-the mission gabriels oboe 34. 13 Enigma 2000 - The Screen Behind the Mirror 10. Between Mind & Heart 35. 14 Gavrilin Valery from Anyuta and selected pieces 07 Anyuta 36. 15-jan vogler colin jacobsen & vanessa perez-oblivion for piano trio 37. 16 Enigma 05. Rivers of Belief (The Dusted Variation) 38. 17 Gavrilin Valery from Anyuta and selected pieces 13 Anyuta 39. 18. Mystico - Opera Kyrie 40. 19 Enigma 03. Age of Loneliness (The Dusted Variation) 41. 20 -nils moenkemeyer & kammerakademie potsdam-concerto for viola strings & b.c. in g major i. largo 42. 21 Enigma 09. Beyond the Invisible (The Dusted Variation)

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