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Joep Beving - Dervish

Joep Beving - Dervish

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среда, 31 января 2018 г.

Omdaru radio music 2018 03 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2018 03 ( Modern classical, new age ) 

Playlist files:
  1. Nils Frahm - Forever Changeless (2:47)
  2. Johnny Jewel - Digital Rain (5:19)
  3. FlammenQuelle - Invisible helpers (3:29)
  4. Anne Mьller - Solo? Repeat! (with Alex Stolze) [Live] (7:34)
  5. Paul Winter Consort - English Horn (Theme from 'On the Steppes of Central Asia,' Borodin) (4:10)
  6. Neil Davidge - Dawn Of The Cantii (2:37)
  7. Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam - Requiem In D Minor, K. 626: VIII. Sequence No. 6, Lacrymosa (2:25)
  8. Nils Frahm - Human Range (6:59)
  9. Cygni Vox - Ela Tuonela (4:12)
  10. Hilary Hahn - Richter — Mercy (Live) (5:26)
  11. Daniel Barenboim - Prйludes / Book 1, L. 117-4. Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir (3:59)
  12. Keith Jarrett & Michelle Makarski - Sonata No 6 in G, BWV 1019 - Largo (1:45)
  13. Alex Stolze - Cell to Cell (5:02)
  14. 14 FlammenQuelle - A Theory of Ice (2011) 08 The Glass Bead Game
  15. 15 Johnny Jewel - Digital Rain - 2018 06. Air Museum
  16. 16 Nils Frahm - All Melody - 2018 10. Fundamental Values

четверг, 11 января 2018 г.

Omdaru radio music 2018 02 ( Modern classical, new age)

Omdaru radio music 2018 02 ( Modern classical, new age) -
Playlist files:
  1. Max Richter - Questions and Answers (2:22)
  2. David Wright - Watching for Nephele (3:54)
  3. FlammenQuelle - An Aspect of God (5:34)
  4. Tastenklang - Prologue (5:14)
  5. Corciolli - Lacrimae (5:21)
  6. Max Richter - She Is Standing Right There (2:58)
  7. David Wright - Night Tide (6:29)
  8. Ljerke - Skjeggfugl (5:40)
  9. Olga Scheps - 4 AM (3:03)
  10. Kent Sparling - Pulling On A Line (2:40)
  11. David Wright - Absolute Zero (Reprise) (2:42)
  12. Max Richter - Only Believe (4:32)
  13. Olga Scheps - The Logical Song (5:02)
  14. Tastenklang - Dйjа-Vu (3:24)
  15. FlammenQuelle - Soul, Love and tenderness (8:46)
  16. David Wright - Where the Whales Still Sing (8:02)
  17. Max Richter - Miss Sloane Solo (2:07)

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