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среда, 29 августа 2018 г.

The Best of Omdaru radio - Autumn 2018 ( Modern classical, new age )

The Best of Omdaru radio - Autumn 2018 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
Playlist files:
  1. Peter Gundry - .Goлtia. (5:30)
  2. 02 Volker Bertelmann (Hauschka) - Adrift (2018) 02. Destination Unknown
  3. 03 Kai Engel - Sustains 2018 Kai Engel - 06 - Evermore
  4. 04 Johnny Jewel - 2018 - Vapor 01 - Heartbeats
  5. 05 Hoshiko Yamane - 2018 - Threads 02 - Threads
  6. 06 Praful & Helvia Briggen - The Silent Side of Satie (2018) 01. Gnossiennes- No. 1, Lent
  7. 07 Terry Oldfield - 2018 - Rhapsody 04 - Oneness
  8. 08 Masayoshi Fujita - 2018 - Book of Life 05 - Book Of Life
  9. 09 Bojanek & Michalowski - 2018 - Solid 06 - Monuments
  10. 10 Clarice Jensen - 2018 - For This From That Will Be Filled 03 - For This From That Will Be Filled (a)
  11. 11 Kai Engel - Brume 2018 Kai Engel - 05 - Fryeri
  12. 12 Peter Gundry - Goëtia 2018 05. Peter Gundry - One Mans Grief
  13. 01 Zbigniew Preisner - Valley of Shadows (2018) 04. The Forest Gate
  14. 02 Brian Tyler - Yellowstone (2018) 01. Yellowstone Theme
  15. 03 Olafur Arnalds - Re-member (2018) 08 Partial
  16. 04 Benjamin Wallfisch - The Darkest Minds (2018) 10. Home
  17. 05 Jon Brion & Geoff Zanelli - Christopher Robin (2018) 08. Through the Tree
  18. 06 Zbigniew Preisner - Valley of Shadows (2018) 10. Valley of Shadows
  19. 07 Rajendra Teredesai & Bluemonk - 2018 - Samsara 03 - Darjeeling Dreams
  20. 08 Isabelle Le Boulanger & Claire Le Boulanger - 2018 - Duo Cardellino-Double Jeu 14 - Le Chateau Ambulant
  21. 09 Olafur Arnalds - Re-member (2018) 02 Unfold
  22. 10 Lisa Gerrard & David Kuckhermann - 2018 - Hiraeth 08 - Armira
  23. 11 Brian Tyler - Yellowstone (2018) 13. Adagio
  24. 12 Zbigniew Preisner - Valley of Shadows (2018) 14. Afterlife

вторник, 28 августа 2018 г.

Omdaru radio music 2018 21 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2018 21 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
Playlist files:
  1. Zbigniew Preisner - The Forest Gate (3:13)
  2. Ólafur Arnalds - Partial (3:16)
  3. Ulrike Haage - Maelstrom (8:22)
  4. Black Malachite - Shadows of the Dead (Interlude) (0:56)
  5. Ólafur Arnalds - Re:member (6:04)
  6. Zbigniew Preisner - Journey in the Woods (7:24)
  7. Rajendra Teredesai & Bluemonk - Darjeeling Dreams (7:37)
  8. Ramin Djawadi & Brandon Campbell - Take Me (2:08)
  9. Ólafur Arnalds - Unfold (3:58)
  10. Zbigniew Preisner - Before Dawn (6:59)
  11. Zbigniew Preisner feat. Lisa Gerrard - Valley of Shadows (3:52)
  12. Ólafur Arnalds - Undir (6:30)
  13. Rael Jones - A Single Inch (4:10)
  14. Quinto Sol - Wallow (6:04)
  15. Rajendra Teredesai & Bluemonk - Conversation With God (8:23)
  16. Ólafur Arnalds - Ekki Hugsa (4:41)
  17. 07 Black Malachite - Of Shadow and Blood (2018) 10. Lullaby of the Scorned
  18. 08 2015. Ulrike Haage - Maelstrom 05. Umbra
  19. 09 Olafur Arnalds - Re-member (2018) 12 Nyepi
  20. 10 Zbigniew Preisner - Valley of Shadows (2018) 14. Afterlife

воскресенье, 19 августа 2018 г.

Omdaru radio music 2018 20 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2018 20 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
Playlist files:
  1. Brian Tyler - Yellowstone Theme (2:28)
  2. Angиle Dubeau - Autumn Music 2 (From “Songs From Before”) (3:40)
  3. Lisa Gerrard & David Kuckhermann - Armira (2:59)
  4. Isabelle Le Boulanger & Claire Le Boulanger - Le chateau ambulant (4:22)
  5. 05 Ryan Farish - Wilderness (2018) 11. Ryan Farish - Solitude (3:16)
  6. Angиle Dubeau - She Remembers (From “The Leftovers” – Season 1) (3:26)
  7. Steve Roach - Songline (2018) (5:11)
  8. Memotone - Boarding (4:52)
  9. Lisa Gerrard & David Kuckhermann - Forgotten Language (5:59)
  10. Angиle Dubeau - Fragment – Embers (From “Memoryhouse”) (4:27)
  11. Brian Tyler - Adagio (3:10)
  12. Brian Tyler - Impressions (4:43)
  13. Angиle Dubeau - Sketchbook (From “Memoryhouse”) (2:14)
  14. 03 Andrew Chalk & Daisuke Suzuki - Yama to nashi (2018) 06. Shadow and silhouette
  15. 04 Yo-Yo Ma - 2018 - Six Evolutions 16 - Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012 - IV. Sarabande
  16. 05 Angele Dubeau & La Pieta - Portrait - Max Richter (2017) 10 The Consolations of Philosophy (From “Black Mirror – Nosedive”)
  17. 06 Daniel Pemberton – Space Dive (2012) 14 - The Jump
  18. 07 Alessandra Celletti (2013) Above The Sky 02. Night Flight
  19. 08 Angele Dubeau & La Pieta - Portrait - Max Richter (2017) 11 Andante Reflection (End Title) (From “Valse avec Bachir”)
  20. 09 2013 - Dollboy - Ghost Stations cd01 11 - Berlin: Oranienburger Strasse
  21. 10 Angele Dubeau & La Pieta - Portrait - Max Richter (2017) 13 Luminous (From “Perfect Sense”)
  22. 11 Brian Tyler - Yellowstone (2018) 24. Yellowstone Main Titles

суббота, 4 августа 2018 г.

Omdaru radio music 2018 19 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2018 19 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
Playlist files:
  1. Angиle Dubeau - Dona Nobis Pacem 2 (From “The Leftovers” – Season 1) (3:15)
  2. Kai Engel - Marée (3:17)
  3. Bojanek & Michalowski - Monoliths (5:55)
  4. Jean-Michel Blais - Forteresse (1:55)
  5. Alaskan Tapes - You Were Always an Island (5:54)
  6. Masayoshi Fujita - Snowy Night Tale (5:34)
  7. Steve Roach - Magnificent Gallery (2018) (10:51)
  8. Masayoshi Fujita - Book of Life (4:34)
  9. Alaskan Tapes - All Was Quiet (4:40)
  10. Jean-Michel Blais - A Heartbeat Away (6:10)
  11. Bojanek & Michalowski - Monuments (8:28)
  12. Kai Engel - Fryeri (2:49)
  13. Angиle Dubeau - November (From “Memoryhouse”) (5:41)
  14. Matchess - Of the Living (6:54)
  15. Aux Field - Underpass 90 (5:43)
  16. 03 Bach - Hilary Hahn plays Bach (1997) 01 - Partita no. 3 in E Major, BWV 1006- I. Preludio
  17. 04 Benjamin Wallfisch - The Darkest Minds (2018) 10. Home
  18. 05 Jon Brion & Geoff Zanelli - Christopher Robin (2018) 08. Through the Tree
  19. 06 The American Dollar - You're Listening (2018) 15. Stood in Highland Winds
  20. 07 Off Land - 2018 - Mineral Echoes 05 - Larimar
  21. 08 Leonid Desyatnikov - Incidental - 11 Nocturne
  22. 09 James Horner - The Classics (2018) 14. Briseis and Achilles (From 'Troy')
  23. 10 Clarice Jensen - 2018 - For This From That Will Be Filled 03 - For This From That Will Be Filled (a)
  24. 11 Steve Roach - Return to the Dreamtime (2018) 08. Towards The Continuum
  25. 12 Kai Engel - Sustains 2018 Kai Engel - 06 - Evermore
  26. 13 Angele Dubeau & La Pieta - Portrait - Max Richter (2017) 12 Departure (Lullaby) – The Quality of Mercy (From “The Leftovers” – Season 1 and 2)

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