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Fogweaver - Rites of the Nameless Ones

Fogweaver - Rites of the Nameless Ones

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пятница, 28 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 13 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 13 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Benjamin Wallfisch - The Suit (2:15)
  2. Chris Benstead - Play a Game With Me (2:37)
  3. Siavash Amini & Saеad - Calm in Resignation (5:16)
  4. James Asher - Maids of Mitcheltown (3:20)
  5. Drшne - Hyper Sun (Including Every Day Comes and Goes) (5:43)
  6. JГіhann JГіhannsson/EГѕos String Quartet - Odi et Amo (Remastered) (3:10)
  7. Philip Glass - Opening (From "Mishima") (2:15)
  8. Nubilaria Clarinet Ensemble - Libertango (3:00)
  9. Andrew Weiss - The Arrival (1:47)
  10. Chris Benstead - I Was on to You (1:45)
  11. Lambert - Descending A Staircase (2:55)
  12. The Piano Guys - Let It Go (4:01)
  13. Jorge MГ©ndez - Cold (4:56)
  14. Duo Fanton - Armenian Duduk Echoes: Azniv's Dance (2:04)
  15. Christoffer Franzen - Creating Worlds (3:01)
  16. Steve Reich/ValГ©rie Milot - Electric Counterpoint: I. Fast (6:51)
  17. JГіhann JГіhannsson/EГѕos String Quartet - JГіi & Karen (Remastered) (3:27)
  18. One Hour Music - Adagio Appassionato (5:40)
  19. Siavash Amini & Saеad - Ever-Newer Waters Flow on Those Who Step Into the Same Rivers (4:14)
  20. Chris Benstead - Pound of Flesh (4:05)
  21. Benjamin Wallfisch - Denouement (4:57)

воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 12 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 12 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. John Powell - Ice Rescue (2:26)
  2. Jonathan E. Blake - Alaska 03 (6:49)
  3. Automat - Easy Riding (5:01)
  4. Jeroen Goeijers - Ultreia (4:50)
  5. Baby Lullaby, Martin Jacoby, Classical Study Music - Big My Secret (The Scent of Love) (3:06)
  6. Hauschka - Sweet Spring Come (3:53)
  7. Johann Johannsson, Anthony Weeden, Air Lyndhurst S - Good Morning, Midnight (из фильма «Гонка века») (3:16)
  8. Misha Mishenko - Wandering light (2:44)
  9. Helen Jane Long - Perspective (2:06)
  10. Roberto Cacciapaglia - Waterland III (4:07)
  11. 100 Cellos, Giovanni Sollima, Abel Selaocoe - 20. The Cold Song (Live) (2:29)
  12. Jennifer Thomas - Toccata and Fugue (3:39)
  13. Olafur Arnalds - Words Of Amber (3:23)
  14. David Hollandsworth - Flow (2:06)
  15. Daniel Lopez-Vazquez - Valley (5:53)
  16. Francesco Giovannangelo - Frozen Time (2:41)
  17. Ludovico Einaudi - Elegy For The Arctic (2:38)
  18. Marco Figueiredo - Surrounding Landscape (2:29)
  19. 19. Jeroen Goeijers - Augur III
  20. 20 Craven Faults - 2020 - Erratics and Unconformities 02. Deipkier
  21. 21 John Powell - The Call Of The Wild (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2020) 22. John Powell - What An Adventure

вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 11 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 11 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Resili - Corrie Caves (3:25)
  2. Dan Deacon - Become a Mountain (4:05)
  3. Joe Kraemer, Penka Kouneva - Welcome to the Future (4:44)
  4. Steve Moore - Fire it Up (3:31)
  5. Iceblink - Duet (4:10)
  6. Max Richter - A Lovers Complaint (3:35)
  7. Misha Mishenko - Tundra (4:59)
  8. 2CELLOS/Stjepan Hauser/Luka Sulic - Shape Of My Heart (4:34)
  9. Ludovico Einaudi, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, PMCE Parc - Four Dimensions (Live at Auditorium Santa Cecilia, (4:42)
  10. Zbigniew Preisner - Lacrimosa (3:22)
  11. Shamis Khassenov - Moonlight We Can't See (1:59)
  12. Mogwai/Craig Armstrong/Cecilia Weston/Swati Natekar - Miracle (3:21)
  13. Tiziano Albanese - Quadro I: La giovinezza (1:06)
  14. Dmitry Evgrafov, Iskra String Quartet - Wandering (3:16)
  15. Adam Sturtevant - Next Morning (6:05)
  16. Francesco Giovannangelo - Dark Horizons (3:03)
  17. Dmitry Evgrafov - Reel (1:42)
  18. Paolo Vivaldi - Running in the Wind (1:57)
  19. JГіhann JГіhannsson/Ben Russell/Yuki Numata Resnick/Clarice Jensen/Caleb Burhans/Tarn Travers - Flight From The City (6:27)
  20. Soundcritters - Unity (2:31)
  21. One Hour Music - Early Light (3:55)
  22. 22 Verda Suno - Khamisuno (2020) 06 Gestalt

пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 10 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 10 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Valgeir Sigurðsson - Burial Ground (4:30)
  2. Peter Gregson - What Happened (2:06)
  3. Daniel Pemberton - Lotus Flower (1:40)
  4. Steve Jablonsky - Wigans (6:23)
  5. JГіhann JГіhannsson - The Drowned World (2:21)
  6. VГ­kingur Г“lafsson - No. 6 (4:27)
  7. Roberto Cacciapaglia/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberto Cacciapaglia - Floating (2:52)
  8. Max Richter - The Twins (Prague) (1:58)
  9. Thomas Bergersen - Cry (4:08)
  10. Valgeir Sigurðsson - Signature Walk (2:08)
  11. Peter Gregson - The Music Comes From the Heavens (3:24)
  12. Benjamin Richter - Faded (3:22)
  13. Fabrizio Paterlini - There's a Light We Might See (3:10)
  14. Egor Grushin - Loss (4:29)
  15. Vangelis - Exo Genesis (3:33)
  16. Francesco Giovannangelo - Orange Sun (3:08)
  17. Roberto Cacciapaglia/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberto Cacciapaglia - Tree of Life Suite: Fiamme (2:06)
  18. Jennifer Thomas - Illumination (4:07)
  19. Max Richter - Landscape with Figure (1922) (5:13)
  20. Peter Gregson - A Little Chaos (5:37)
  21. Valgeir Sigurðsson - The County End Credits (4:23)

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 2- Late Winter

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 2- Late Winter
( Modern classical, new age) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Piotr Plawner - Violin Concerto No. 2 "The American Four Seasons": Movement 4 (7:21)
  2. Simone Kermes - Vivaldi. Farnace, RV 711, Act II, Scene 5: Gelido in ogni vena (9:54)
  3. Peter Gregson - Warmth (3:56)
  4. Wychazel - The Horn of Heimdall (7:33)
  5. Autumn Tears - The Calling (1:52)
  6. Oribu - Nonelude (2:10)
  7. Bergsonist - Amazon Snake Charming (6:27)
  8. 猫 シ Corp. & t e l e p a t h - Into The Dream (Bonus Track) (4:30)
  9. Dakota Suite | Quentin Sirjacq - These Nights Without You (4:36)
  10. The Matthew Herbert Big Band - The Tower (7:40)
  11. Jim Brickman;Chris Phillips - Interstellar (4:03)
  12. Jeroen van Veen - Glass - 'Trilogy' Sonata - III. Dance, from Aknaten (Scene 3) (6:25)
  13. Byron Metcalf Jennifer Grais - Ancestor's Blessing (6:41)
  14. Sonya Belousova, Giona Ostinelli & Lindsay Deutsch - He's One of the Clean Ones (2:24)
  15. Piotr Plawner - Violin Sonata: Movement 1 (6:04)

воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 09 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 09 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Peter Gregson - Warmth (3:56)
  2. Jim Brickman;Chris Phillips - Interstellar (4:03)
  3. Simone Kermes - Vivaldi. Farnace, RV 711, Act II, Scene 5: Gelido in ogni vena (9:54)
  4. The Matthew Herbert Big Band - Fiesta (5:25)
  5. Claude Larson - Circles of Memories (4:41)
  6. 猫 シ Corp. & t e l e p a t h - Lost Promises (4:59)
  7. Sumi Jo - Oriental performance (2:16)
  8. 猫 シ Corp. & t e l e p a t h - Into The Dream (Bonus Track) (4:30)
  9. Lele Marchitelli - I Walk Away (1:59)
  10. The Matthew Herbert Big Band - The Tower (7:40)
  11. Jim Brickman;Chris Phillips - Beyond the Atmosphere (3:53)
  12. Lele Marchitelli - Social Relations (1:58)
  13. Lele Marchitelli - The Best Seller (2:30)
  14. Simone Kermes - Bach. Matthauspassion, BWV 244, Pt. II, No. 39: Erbarme dich, mein Gott (6:56)
  15. Kajsa Lindgren - Trio for Cello, Piano and Violin (2:12)
  16. Choi Seong-Won - Regrets (4:08)
  17. The Matthew Herbert Big Band - Moonlight Serenade (8:21)
  18. Lele Marchitelli - Two in One (3:04)
  19. Sayer - Intergalactic Navigation (7:54)
  20. Keiji Haino & Charles Hayward - 9 (2:08)
  21. Kim Soo-Chul - An Emotional Untanglement (5:11)
  22. Kajsa Lindgren - How It Sounded in My Mind (5:40)
  23. Simone Kermes - Rinaldo: Ah! Crudel (Aria) (5:35)
  24. Lele Marchitelli - Veronica (1:30)

вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 08 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 08 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Wychazel - The Horn of Heimdall (7:33)
  2. Jeroen van Veen - Glass - 'Trilogy' Sonata - III. Dance, from Aknaten (Scene 3) (6:25)
  3. Daniel Pemberton - Woman In Blue (3:23)
  4. Jeroen van Veen - van Veen - Prelude nr.14 in E flat minor (5:18)
  5. National Symphony Orchestra Washington, Mstislav Rostropovich - Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2 for orchestra, Op. 64 ter: 6. Dance of the girls from the Antilles. Andante con eleganza (2:15)
  6. Jeroen van Veen - Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre ete; l'apres-midi (2:22)
  7. Dakota Suite | Quentin Sirjacq - These Nights Without You (4:36)
  8. Alex Twomey - Red Zone (3:59)
  9. Piotr Plawner - Violin Concerto No. 2 "The American Four Seasons": Movement 3 (6:19)
  10. Jeroen van Veen - Simeon ten Holt - Canto Ostinato - section 106 (2:00)
  11. 11 Ancient Egypt sound reconstruction Egypt - The palace is beautiful (2:14)
  12. Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra - Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Op. 13: III. Larghetto (8:45)
  13. 13 Jeroen van Veen Minimal Piano Collection 25.Nyman - Lost and Found
  14. 14 Rostropovich Complete Recordings- Tchaïkovski, Ballets 08 Swan Lake (Suite) , Op.20a, Th 219, 3. Danse des Petits Cygnes
  15. 15 Jeroen van Veen Minimal Piano Collection 06.van Veen - Prelude nr.6 in B minor
  16. 16 Daniel Pemberton - Motherless Brooklyn (Original Motion Picture Score) (2019) 15. Daniel Pemberton - In Or Out
  17. 17 Jeroen van Veen Minimal Piano Collection 03.Glass - Something She Has To Do
  18. 18 Byron Metcalf - Sacrament (2020) 04. Ancestor's Blessing

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