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суббота, 29 августа 2020 г.

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 6 - Autumn

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 6 - Autumn
( Modern classical, new age) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Robot Koch - Manipura (5:56)
  2. 02 Olafur Arnalds saman (2:48)
  3. 03 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 Nostalgia (3:32)
  4. K. Markov - Close Encounter (8:06)
  5. Robot Koch - All Forms Are Unstable (4:10)
  6. Amure - Paradox (6:49)
  7. Robot Koch - Post String Theory (3:03)
  8. 08 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Splinter (3:55)
  9. 09 Barrington Pheloung Main Theme - Hope
  10. 10 Olafur Arnalds ...og lengra
  11. 11 Fabrizio Paterlini Transitions 2020 The Long Path to Imperfection
  12. 12 Succession (HBO Original Series Soundtrack) 2019 - Season 1 (Nicholas Britell) 14 - Andante
  13. 13 Robot Koch - The Next Billion Years 2020 11. Particle Dance
  14. 01 Yiruma Room with a view 2020 Preludio Al Vento
  15. 02 David Foster Eleven Words 2020 Everlasting
  16. 03 David Foster Eleven Words 2020 Orbiting
  17. 04 Debbie Wiseman The Mythos Suite 2020 Aegeon Sea (The Music Of Apollo & Marsyas)
  18. 05 Federico Albanese 2020 The Lantern
  19. 06 Sophie Hutchings Scattered On The Wind 2020 Scattered On The Wind
  20. 07 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 Porco Rosso il porco rosso
  21. 08 Péter Bence The Awesome Piano 2020 The Loop Song
  22. 09 Mari Samuelsen 2020 Einaudi Una Mattina (Arr. Badzura)
  23. 10 New Age - Shamanic Daily Relaxation (2020) 11. Shamanic Dreams
  24. 11 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 The Wind Forest
  25. 12 Alberto Nosè - Piano works by Max Richter 2020 The Family
  26. 13 Yiruma Room with a view 2020 Room With A View

воскресенье, 23 августа 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 34 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 34 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. 01 Péter Bence The Awesome Piano 2020 Africa (3:43)
  2. 02 David Foster Eleven Words 2020 Everlasting (3:33)
  3. 03 Dark Life Note- The Heart's tale 2020 Get Through (3:55)
  4. New Age - Native Drumming (5:21)
  5. The American Dollar - Can't Hurt Me (2:20)
  6. 06 VOCES8 Enchanted Isle 2019 Barber Agnus Dei (7:41)
  7. 07 Jóhann Jóhannsson Orphee 2016 A Pile Of Dust (4:51)
  8. 08 VOCES8 Enchanted Isle 2019 Shore, Ryan, Enya, Ryan May it be (Arr. M. Sheeran) (3:45)
  9. The American Dollar - Night Living (2:14)
  10. New Age - Shamanic Dreams (5:01)
  11. 11 Dark Life Note- The Heart's tale 2020 Tears of the Sky (2:40)
  12. 12 David Foster Eleven Words 2020 Orbiting (2:51)
  13. 13 Péter Bence The Awesome Piano 2020 Despacito (3:26)
  14. 01 Péter Bence The Awesome Piano 2020 The Fibonacci Song
  15. 02 Jóhann Jóhannsson Orphee 2016 De Luce Et Umbra
  16. 03 Eisgarten 2020.01.10 - Chronicles 04. Eternity
  17. 04 Federico Albanese 2020 The Lantern
  18. 05 Franz Gordon A Heart Made of Yarn 2020 A Heart Made of Yarn
  19. 06 jacco wynia 2020 Tiptoeing
  20. 07 Joep Beving 2020 Solitude
  21. 08 Lambert 2020 Flow (Marked Red)
  22. 09 Mari Samuelsen 2020 Einaudi Una Mattina (Arr. Badzura)
  23. 10 Redi Hasa 2020 Dajti Mountain
  24. 11 The Piano Guys 2020 Pictures at an Exhibition
  25. 12 Jóhann Jóhannsson Orphee 2016 Good Night, Day
  26. 13 Péter Bence The Awesome Piano 2020 The Loop Song

суббота, 15 августа 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 33 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 33 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. 01 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Endless (5:53)
  2. 02 Bruno Sanfilippo Piano Textures 5 2020 Piano Textures 5 I (3:17)
  3. 03 Fabrizio Paterlini Transitions 2020 Hours Passing (1:35)
  4. 04 Yiruma Room with a view 2020 Preludio Al Vento (3:38)
  5. 05 Clem Leek Land, Air & Sea 2020 Green (2:29)
  6. 06 Sophie Hutchings Scattered On The Wind 2020 Scattered On The Wind (4:53)
  7. 07 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Far And Close (3:37)
  8. 08 Sophie Hutchings Scattered On The Wind 2020 Surrender To The Deepest Blue (3:35)
  9. 09 Clem Leek Land, Air & Sea 2020 Tide (4:02)
  10. 10 Yiruma Room with a view 2020 Room With A View (3:56)
  11. 11 Fabrizio Paterlini Transitions 2020 The Long Path to Imperfection (1:32)
  12. 12 Bruno Sanfilippo Piano Textures 5 2020 Piano Textures 5 X
  13. 13 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Humble In Heart
  14. 01 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Sparkle
  15. 02 Alberto Nosè - Piano works by Max Richter 2020 Andras
  16. 03 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 Nostalgia
  17. 04 Debbie Wiseman The Mythos Suite 2020 Aegeon Sea (The Music Of Apollo & Marsyas)
  18. 05 VA (l. Marionette) - Latibula - 2020 03. Giraffe - Lines Across the Still
  19. 06 Barrington Pheloung Main Theme - Hope
  20. 07 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 Porco Rosso il porco rosso
  21. 08 VA - Pres Rebooted. New Works Based on Sounds From Polish Radio Experimental Studio - 2020 04. Kamil Szuszkiewicz - Extinction Smooth Jazz
  22. 09 Anton Batagov Sunny night live 2020 Бергамасская сюита, L. 75 III. Лунный свет
  23. 10 VA (l. Marionette) - Latibula - 2020 08. Soundwalk Collective - Black Night, Red Dawn
  24. 11 Joe Hisaishi Dream songs 2020 The Wind Forest
  25. 12 Alberto Nosè - Piano works by Max Richter 2020 The Family
  26. 13 Dmitry Evgrafov Surrender 2020 Splinter

пятница, 7 августа 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 32 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 32 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. radio massacre international - when the tide & the stars are out pt1 (6:53)
  2. 02 Robot Koch - The Next Billion Years 2020 Dragonfly (4:41)
  3. Olafur Arnalds - ypsilon (leicester) (live) (6:06)
  4. K. Markov - Close Encounter (8:06)
  5. 05 Olafur Arnalds they sink (4:42)
  6. Lauge - Oceanography (Rhythmic Pulse Edit) (7:29)
  7. 07 Olafur Arnalds momentary (2:10)
  8. Olafur Arnalds - undir (london) (live) (8:38)
  9. 09 Robot Koch - The Next Billion Years 2020 Stars As Eyes (5:47)
  10. 10 Olafur Arnalds ...og lengra (3:48)
  11. 11 Olafur Arnalds Kinesthesia I (1:46)
  12. 12 Olafur Arnalds nyepi (münchen) (7:01)
  13. 13 Olafur Arnalds Öldurót (3:49)
  14. 14 Olafur Arnalds Raddir (4:11)
  15. 15 Olafur Arnalds saman (2:48)
  16. 16 Olafur Arnalds Take My Leave Of You (5:17)
  17. Olafur Arnalds - ekki hugsa (amsterdam) (live) (4:39)
  18. 18 Robot Koch - The Next Billion Years 2020 Kassel (4:31)
  19. radio massacre international - when the tide & the stars are out pt2 (5:19)

суббота, 1 августа 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 31 ( Modern classical, new age )

Omdaru radio music 2020 31 ( Modern classical, new age ) -
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Playlist files:
  1. Robot Koch - Manipura (5:56)
  2. Nicholas Britell - Adagio in C Minor (1:29)
  3. Robot Koch - Liquid (4:10)
  4. Hess is More - Invisible Saxophone (feat. Matt Parker) (1:46)
  5. Robot Koch - All Forms Are Unstable (4:10)
  6. Amure - Paradox (6:49)
  7. Robot Koch - Nebula (4:04)
  8. Inventions - Spirit Refinement Exploder (5:14)
  9. Robot Koch - Hawk (4:00)
  10. Stive Morgan - In Space 2020 (8:26)
  11. Robot Koch - Glow (4:54)
  12. Nicholas Britell - Andante Con Moto -- Strings In E-Flat Minor (2:14)
  13. Robot Koch - Post String Theory (3:03)
  14. Michael Giacchino - Jojo's Theme (3:54)
  15. Robot Koch - Cousteau (5:05)
  16. Hess is More - Imaginary Pianist (feat. Nikolaj Hess) (4:22)
  17. Nicholas Britell - Succession -- End Title Theme -- Piano and Cello Variation (1:30)
  18. Robot Koch - Particle Dance (4:20)

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