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среда, 28 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 44 ( Modern classical, new age )

 Omdaru radio music 2020 44 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. 01 VonLichten Relikt 2020 Beethoven's on Fyre (3:53)
  2. 02 Wertyo Luna Sol 2020 Amaterasu (1:36)
  3. 03 Vig Zartman Back to the Past 2020 Back to the Past (2:55)
  4. 04 Jeremy Cullen Scenes, Vol. 2 2020 Main Theme (From the Priest, The Witch and the Poltergeist) (2:57)
  5. 05 Liliana Brown Reveries 2020 Ausencia (1:54)
  6. 06 Omar Malas My Journey 2020 Far & Beyond (1:28)
  7. 07 Roma Symphony Orchestra RSO Performs Adele Set Fire to the Rain (3:38)
  8. 08 Bryan Schumann Electric Seeds 2020 String Theory for Electric Guitar & String Orchestra (3:38)
  9. 09 Aaron Leikin And so It Begins 2020 Nocturna (3:05)
  10. 10 Philippe Paquet, Samuel Pronovost, Marilou Lepage & Eva Lachhar Révérence 2020 Révérence I (3:28)
  11. 11 Emma Grace Wild Fruits and Red Cheeks 2020 One Morning on Our Fields
  12. 12 Jiří Horák A Sailor's Tale 2020 Underwater Secrets
  13. 13 Franz Gordon A Heart Made of Yarn 2020 A Heart Made of Yarn
  14. 14 Ben Gateno A Time When Things Were New 2020 You Got to Reap What You Sow
  15. 15 Andy Pavlov Me And My Love On The Road 2020 Your Heart is Melting
  16. 16 Aris Lytras Farewell 2020 New Era
  17. 17 Anthony Catalano Preludes and Mountain Songs 2020 Vivo Sonhando (Day Dreaming)
  18. 18 Viktor Levchenko Without Notes 2020 Ray
  19. 19 Vig Zartman The Beauty 2020 Happiness Is Now
  20. 20 Wertyo Luna Sol 2020 Ra
  21. 21 VonLichten Relikt 2020 Trave de Tous

суббота, 24 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 43 ( Modern classical, new age )

 Omdaru radio music 2020 43 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. 01 Aire Beginnings 2020 Beginnings (4:36)
  2. 02 Adrian von Ziegler Veiled 2020 Darkness (6:37)
  3. 03 Blaer Yellow 2020 All We Need (5:16)
  4. 04 Costae Salvadon 2020 Adio (1:47)
  5. 05 William Maxwell Oasis 2020 Circle of Reparation II (2:41)
  6. 06 Xavier Dang Musings I 2020 Morning Dew (3:38)
  7. 07 Francesco Brianzi 2020 A B S E N T I A (3:19)
  8. 08 Ischii The Spore 2020 Opal Mist (1:44)
  9. 09 Adrian von Ziegler Veiled 2020 Fare Thee Well (4:10)
  10. 10 Carolina Lopez Ánima 2020 Spente Le Stelle (4:29)
  11. 11 Lawrence Greenwood Where We Roam - Episode 2 Matthias Appenzeller 2020 Introduction
  12. 12 Sean Al-Jibouri Euphoria 2020 Sunset
  13. 13 Wonders Of Nature - Kola Peninsula III (2020) 05. When The Moon Hides The Sun
  14. 14 Kerim König Miniatures 2020 Emerge
  15. 15 Steven Vrancken Crowned String Variations 2020 Crowned Strings Variation 3
  16. 16 William Maxwell Oasis 2020 Hymn and Aspiration
  17. 17 Costae Salvadon 2020 Um Novo Tempo
  18. 18 Blaer Yellow 2020 Yellow
  19. 19 Adrian von Ziegler Veiled 2020 Rebirth
  20. 20 Aire Beginnings 2020 Dream Journey

вторник, 20 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 42 ( Modern classical, new age )

   Omdaru radio music 2020 42 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. Andreas Vollenweider - Pygmalion (4:05)
  2. 02 Steven Gutheinz Mosaic 2020 Flight Pattern (3:03)
  3. Dame Silú de Mordomoire - Melancholia (7:41)
  4. Dahlia's Tear - The Cedar Forest (4:32)
  5. 05 Clemens Christian Poetzsch Clemens Christian Poetzsch plays Sven Helbig 2020 Gone (2:48)
  6. Andreas Vollenweider - Polyhymnia (5:09)
  7. 07 Gustavo Dobles Entelechies Book 1 2020 Entelechies Book 1 - 15. (1:34)
  8. 08 Paola Scalabrin Sirio 2020 Pavone (3:14)
  9. G.S. Sultan - Beadweaver (4:15)
  10. 10 Gonzalo Solari Chitarra tra due mondiIl nuovo mondo, Vol. 2 2020 Vals venezolano (2:46)
  11. Lamia Vox - Song of Destiny (5:12)
  12. 12 Andreas Vollenweider - 2020 - Quiet Places 03 - The Pyramidians
  13. 13 Roma Symphony Orchestra RSO Performs Fleetwood Mac 2020 The Chain
  14. 14 Andres Gómez Bravo Tendencias e Influencias 2020 Blusing for Marcel
  15. 15 Eduardo de la Iglesia ed Matter Original Soundtrack 2020 The Empty Facility, Abandoned
  16. 16 Dame Silu de Mordomoire - 2020 - A World of Shadows 08 - Snowfall
  17. 17 Steven Gutheinz Mosaic 2020 Mosaic
  18. 18 Andreas Vollenweider - 2020 - Quiet Places 05 - Come to the Quiet Place

среда, 14 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 41 ( Modern classical, new age )

  Omdaru radio music 2020 41 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. 01 Cesare Picco Bach to Me 2020 A long wait (6:41)
  2. 02 Make-Believe Machines Restringing the Deathless Refrain 2020 Embrace the Beast (6:08)
  3. 03 Cyg'n I.O.S. (Industry Of Symphony) 2020 Artifice (5:03)
  4. 04 The Alvaret Ensemble Ea 2020 Ea (7:24)
  5. 05 Jackson Mullane Revelations 2020 Annunciation (3:16)
  6. 06 Galina Altman Capriccio 2020 Echo (3:24)
  7. 07 Jacques-Emmanuel Rousselon Silences 2020 Talking With Poulenc (6:35)
  8. 08 Andrea Baroni The Persistence of Movement 2020 Interdimensional (2:25)
  9. 09 Gianmarco Merlini Colori d'Anima 2020 Poesia (2:59)
  10. 10 Anna Bondareva Ten 10 2020 Reflection (4:16)
  11. 11 Sirius Sirius 2020 Rising Moon
  12. 12 Madoka Moriyasu Watashino Nakano Watashi 2020 Impromptu #727
  13. 13 Lucio Music Therapy Gallo A cuore leggero 2020 Armonia 14 - Heaven
  14. 14 Lars Gajda Nighttime Improvisations & Duets 2020 Tears of Delight
  15. 15 Dario Marianelli - The Secret Garden (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2020) 14. Dario Marianelli - The Hidden Letters
  16. 16 Bruce Klepper Alice in Wonderland 2020 The Queen of Hearts
  17. 17 Phil Larson Determination 2020 Push Through
  18. 18 Opera Piano Die schönsten Arien aus Oper, Operette & Musical 2020 Somewhere (From 'West Side Story')
  19. 19 Cyg'n I.O.S. (Industry Of Symphony) 2020 Strange
  20. 20 Make-Believe Machines Restringing the Deathless Refrain 2020 In Moments You Will Disappear
  21. 21 Cesare Picco Bach to Me 2020 Simple prayer

пятница, 9 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 40 ( Modern classical, new age )

 Omdaru radio music 2020 40 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

Playlist files:
  1. 01 J R Stitt Border Songs 2020 Factions (3:08)
  2. Mars Lasar - Constellations (4:33)
  3. 03 Benjamin De Murashkin Harmonia 2020 A Pilgrimage (6:22)
  4. Oliver Shanti, Yoga Yo - Stars above The Himalayas (4:37)
  5. 05 Adrian Gagiu String Quartets 1-3, String Trio 2020 Quartweet (2:57)
  6. 06 Autumn Tears The Air Below the Water 2020 The Calling (1:52)
  7. Ben Frost - Ich Dachte, Ich Haette Mehr Zeit (5:32)
  8. Ben Frost - Der Weisse Teufel (3:38)
  9. Ben Frost - Origin (2:11)
  10. Ben Frost - Franziska & Magnus (3:05)
  11. Ben Frost - Leben Und Tod (2:46)
  12. Ben Frost - Higgs Field (4:24)
  13. 13 Ben Frost - Dark Cycle 3 (2020) 14 Ob Irgendwas Von Uns Bleibt
  14. 14 Ben Frost - Dark Cycle 3 (2020) 15 Der Letzte Zyklus
  15. 15 David Buckley - Greenland (2020) 15. Brave New World
  16. 16 Oliver Shanti, Yoga Yo - Return to Tibet (2020) 07. Dragon in the sky
  17. 17 Benjamin De Murashkin Harmonia 2020 In Dreams
  18. 18 Mars Lasar-Multiverse-2020 10. Mars Lasar — Infinite Part 2
  19. 19 J R Stitt Border Songs 2020 Transfrontier

вторник, 6 октября 2020 г.

The 250 Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2009-2020

 The 250 Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2009-2020

( modern classical, new age ) 

download-скачать-mp3 collection

Playlist files:

  1. 01 2011 - Max Richter - Perfect Sense (Original Soundtrack) 03. Sorrow Atoms (3:14)
  2. Edward Nicolay Artemyev - Friendship (4:28)
  3. Шостакович (Ростропович) - Symphony No.5 in d-moll, Op.47 - IV. Allegro non troppo (12:06)
  4. Deadmau5 - Superbia (Ov) (4:22)
  5. MusicAeterna - Overture (2:08)
  6. Hans Zimmer - Cornfield Chase (2:06)
  7. Johann Johannsson - Prisoners (6:59)
  8. Jung Jae Il - The Belt of Faith (7:12)
  9. Людвиг Йёранссон - Back for Beskar (2:25)
  10. Max Richter - Elena & Lila (4:53)
  11. Max Richter - To The Stars (3:34)
  12. Michael Nyman - The Promise (4:13)
  13. Rhian Sheehan - The Absence Of You (3:49)
  14. William Ryan Fritch - Our Thirsting World (5:04)
  15. Shigeru Umebayashi - 2046 Main Theme (4:45)
  16. 02 Dzivia - 2018 - Rujnuj 07 - Svitannie
  17. Kronos Quartet & Mogwai - Death Is The Road To Awe (8:25)
  18. 02 Johann Johannsson - Englaborn & Variations (2018) 1.05. Salfaeqingur
  19. 02 Kim Malmquist 2011 - Luminessence 06. Remembering A Moondream
  20. 02 Kjartan Sveinsson - Der Klang Der Offenbarung Des Goettlichen (2016) 01 - Teil I
  21. 02 Ludwig Göransson - TENET (2020) 15. THE ALGORITHM
  22. 02 Nicholas Britell - Vice (2018) 02. He Saw An Opportunity - Counterpoint In C Minor
  23. 02 Paolo Buonvino - I Medici 2019 02. Decadence
  24. 02 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Rage (Ikari) (2017) 18. M19 - Rage
  25. 03 -Artemyev Eduard 'Sibiriada' - taking the field
  26. 03 A Single Man OST 01 Stillness of the Mind
  27. 03 Erased Tapes Collection VII (2016) 06 - Michael Price The Attachment
  28. 03 Finland & Aaskoven - Sit Back & Relax ''Lake Como'' (2017) 01. La Gaeto
  29. 03 Justin Hurwitz - First Man (2018) 15. Docking Waltz
  30. 03 Kai Engel 2015 - Atlantida 08. Will I Ever See Another Sunrise
  31. 03 KV 488 Klavierkonzert Nr.23 A-dur II
  32. 03 Levy Krishna 8 Femmes OST 10-Theme 8 femmes
  33. 03 Philippe Jaroussky - Vivaldi Heroes 02 - Giustino- Vedro con mio diletto (Anastasio)
  34. 03 Rondo Veneziano The Very Best of - Prestige
  35. 03 Sebastian Plano - Impetus (2013) 02. The World We Live In
  36. 03 Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 II. Scherzo
  37. 03 Theodor Bastard - Utopia (2017) 12 - Shaman From The Downtown
  38. 03 Thomas William Hill - Asylum For Eve (2017) 01. Porpita Porpita
  39. 04 Bach - Das Wohltemperierte Klavier - Suzuki 2CD Praeludium und Fuge es-dis-Moll, BWV 853 Praeludium VIII
  40. 04 Erik Wollo - Threshold Point (2018) 05 Erik Wollo - Mosaic of Time II - Threshold Point
  41. 04 Hans Zimmer - Interstellar (2014) 14. Detach
  42. 04 Max Richter - My Brilliant Friend (TV Series Soundtrack) (2018) 04 - The Days Go By
  43. 04 MJ Cole MJ Cole Presents Madrugada 2020 Cathedral
  44. 04 Peter Kater - She (feat. Peia Luzzi) (2018) 04. She Whispers in Tall Grasses (feat. Peia Luzzi)
  45. 04 Roque Banos - The Commuter (2018) 01. A Commuter's Trip
  46. 04 Thomas William Hill - Asylum For Eve (2017) 06. Cirrostratus
  47. 05 2018 David Parsons - Atmanaut [Celestial Harmonies] 204. Atmanaut
  48. 05 Chronotope Project-Lotus Rising (2018) 01.Crossing the Great Water
  49. 05 jean-michel jarre - magnetic fields II
  50. 05 Justin Hurwitz - First Man (2018) 30. The Landing
  51. 05 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - The Piano Collection (van Veen) (2013)03. Monday
  52. 05 Michael Nyman Piano-Big My Secret
  53. 05 MOZART HEROES (2018) =On Fire= 06. Nothing Else Matters (Metallica) (Live Version)
  54. 05 Soft Note - (2012) - Spiritscapes [Ambient, Score]01.Spirit Walker
  55. 05 Theophile Alexandre - ADN Baroque 2018 04. Polifemo, HelN 31 Alto Giove
  56. 06 -Netrebko Anna Russian album TCHAIKOVSKY Eugene Onegin, Letter scene from Act 1
  57. 06 2013 - Sven Helbig - Pocket Symphonies 10. Zorn
  58. 06 Amure - Euphoria (2020) 05.Paradox
  59. 06 Artemiev Zhivago a journey to the estate
  60. 06 Bliss 2003 - Quiet Letters (Quiet Reconstructions) 04 - Dunai
  61. 06 Byron Metcalf - Inner Rhythm Meditations Vol. II (2018) 3 - A Steadfast Path
  62. 06 Christina Pluhar - Music for a While (02) [Christina Pluhar] Music for a while
  63. 06 Christina Pluhar - Music for a While (07) [Christina Pluhar] O solitude, my sweetest choice
  64. 06 Jasper Moss & Prague String Orchestra Triptych 2020 Triptych I. Andante con moto
  65. 06 kokohana - 2012 - kokohana Ghibli Mix 10. Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi - Ano Natsu he
  66. 06 M83, Anthony Gonzalez & Joseph Trapanese - Oblivion (2013) 12. I'm Sending You Away
  67. 06 Peter Gundry - The Unspoken Tales - 2017 02. Shades And Shadows
  68. 06 Purcell Dido and Aeneas Kirsten Flagstad When I am laid in earth (Dido) Brodsky favorite
  69. 06 Solo Collective, Part One (2017)1. Anne Mueller - Solo Repeat! (with Alex Stolze) [Live]
  70. 06 Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (Teodor Currentzis) 2015 1.04 - L'Adoration de la terre- Rondes printanieres
  71. 06 The Piano Guys - Limitless - 2018 04. In My Blood - Swan Lake
  72. 06 ppk russkiy trans formirovanie robots outro
  73. 07 A Winged Victory For The Sullen 2014 - Atomos 10 - Atomos XI
  74. 07 Dmitry Selipanov 2020 Moonlight
  75. 07 Ramin Djawadi - The Mountain Between Us (2017) 01. The Mountain Between Us
  76. 07 Serj Tankian - 2012 - ORCA 01 - Act I
  77. 07 Sverre Knut Johansen - The Vast Expanse (2018) 5 - Sverre Knut Johansen - The Beginning
  78. 07 Travis & Fripp - Follow (2012) 06-Open Land
  79. 07. Concerto pour piano et orchestre, FP 146-I. Allegretto
  80. 07. Ivan Kupala Kostroma
  81. 08 (2010) Lara Fabian & Krutoy Zhivago (11) Vocalise
  82. 08 Armand Amar Home 24 - Cum Dederit
  83. 08 Dario Marianelli & Víkingur Olafsson - Darkest Hour (2017)19. We Shall Fight
  84. 08 Isabelle Le Boulanger & Claire Le Boulanger - 2018 - Duo Cardellino-Double Jeu 14 - Le Chateau Ambulant
  85. 08 Johann Jоhannsson - Arrival (2016) 14. Non-Zero-Sum Game
  86. 08 Prequell - The Future Comes Before - 2017 01. Part XV
  87. 08 Salvatore Licitra - The Best (2011) 08. E lucevan le stelle from Tosca
  88. 09 Complete Symphonies - Shostakovich-Rostropovich 03.Symphony No.8 in c-moll, Op.65 - III. Allegro non troppo
  89. 09 In the mood for love Yumeji`s Theme (Extended Version)
  90. 09 Joe Hisaishi - The Best Collection (2006) 10. Joe Hisaishi - The Sixth Station
  91. 09 Julia Kent 2013 - Character 04 - Tourbillon
  92. 09 Max Richter 2016 - Sleep Remixes 07. Path 5 (Digitonal's Theo In Dreamland Mix Edit)
  93. 09 MRVICA MAkSIM -- A New Worl 03 - Dido's Lament
  94. Prequell - Part XIII (2:52)
  95. 09 Shostakovich - Piano Concertos, Violin Sonata (2012 Harmonia Mundi-Currentzis) 02 - Piano Concerto no.2 op.102 - II. Andante
  96. 09 Soft Note - (2012) - Spiritscapes 02.Highlands
  97. 10 Frank Steiner Jr 2015 - Momentum 04. Out There
  98. 10 Hans Zimmer - Interstellar (2014) 08. Mountains
  99. 10 Llewellyn - Moon Spells (2013) 03. Waning Moon
  100. 10 Philip Glass The Hours The Poet Acts
  101. 10 Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (Teodor Currentzis) 2015 1.11 - Le Sacrifice- Glorification de l'Elue
  102. 10 Tchaikovsky from Eugene Onegin Lensky's aria
  103. 10 Zero-project - The Lounge Conspiracy (2014) 02. Santorini (Chillout version)
  104. 100 Arvo Part Symphony No 4 deciso
  105. 11 Andreas Vollenweider-The Glass Hall
  106. 11 - Game Of Thrones - Main Theme - Soundtrack
  107. 11 Jung Jaeil - Parasite (2019) 14. Ghost
  108. 11 Shamis Khassenov - Moonlight We Can't See
  109. 11 Wychazel 2017 - In Search Of Lemuria 04. Lemuria
  110. 12 Anoice 2019. Ghost In The Clocks 02. Time
  111. 12 Great Pianists of the 20th Century, Vol. 35 - Emil Gilels II [2] - 08 - Bach-Siloti - Prelude in B minor
  112. 12 Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 9
  113. 12 Thomas Quasthoff - Bach - Kantaten 2004 10 Cantata for Feast of Mary's Purification, BWV 82 - 1. Area. 'Ich habe genug'
  114. 13 Hiromitsu Agatsuma - Agatsuma Plays Standards 10 - Polovtsian Dance
  115. 13 Peter Kater - She (feat. Peia Luzzi) (2018) 09. She (feat. Peia Luzzi)
  116. 13 Rachmaninov Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini (Variation18)
  117. 13 Tony Anderson - Chasm - 2018 09. Resurrect
  118. 13 VA - For the Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones) (2019) 14. Matt Bellamy - Pray (High Valyrian)
  119. 13 VA - Tunguska Electronic Music Society - Craters-Romeiko - 2012 06 - Marta - Siberian Voice
  120. 14 Andreas Vollenweider 1985 White Winds 02 Hall Of The Stairs - Hall Of The Mosaics (Meeting You)
  121. 14 Finland & Aaskoven - Sit Back & Relax ''Lake Como'' (2017) 05. Pliniana
  122. 14 Max Richter - The Leftovers Season 2 2016 14. The Departure (Persistence of Vision)
  123. 14 Raven's wing (2012) 03. Scary fairy tale
  124. 14-Ermitage Russian Memories (Song For Lara)
  125. 15 Andreas Vollenweider 1985 White Winds 03 The Glass Hall - The Play Of The Five Balls.
  126. 15 Jon Ekstrand - Life (2017) 15. Godspeed, Doctor
  127. 15 Kitaro 1992 - Dream 01 - Symphony Of The Forest
  128. 15 Max Richter - Recomposed by Max Richter- Vivaldi - The Four Seasons 13 - Winter 3
  129. 15 Sheridan Tongue - 2011 - Wonders of the Universe 13. Release of Energy
  130. 16 2003 - Kristin Flood - Amor Fati (English version) 13 - Letting the heart show us... (Cobalt)
  131. 16 2Cellos - Score (2017) 01 Game of Thrones Medley
  132. 16 Deadmau5 - Where's The Drop - 2018 12. HR 8938 Cephei (Ov)
  133. 16 Kitaro 1992 - Dream 02 - Mysterious Island
  134. 16 Silverwood Quartet - Vivaldi Winter from the Four Seasons 1. Allegro n
  135. 16 Steven Price - Ophelia (2019) 19. To Lose Himself in Vengeance
  136. 16 Teodor Currentzis, Music Aeterna - Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 (2017) 04 Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74 IV. Finale
  137. 16 Vladimir Jurowski - Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker (2019)20
  138. 17 Enigma 1994 The Cross Of Changes (Special Edition) 03. Return To Innocence
  139. 17 Henilios - Another Life - 2015 08. Free The Mind
  140. 17 Johann Johannsson - The Mercy (2018) OST 04 - A Sparrow Alighted Upon Our Shoulder
  141. 17 Man Who Cried OST 01 - Salvatore Licitra - Je crois entendre encore
  142. 17 Teodor Currentzis - 2020- Beethoven- Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 I. Allegro con brio
  143. 18 Klaus Schulze - From Dawn Till Dusk
  144. 18 Bogdan Ota - Bliss - 2019 06. When Angels Die
  145. 18 Grigory Sokolov - The Salzburg Recital (2015) 2-30 Bach- Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 from Orgelbuechlein
  146. 18 Illuvia – Illuvia (2017) 12. Illuvia - Illuvia (Exaltation)
  147. 18 Kitaro 1992 - Dream 04 - A Drop Of Silence
  148. 18 Leonard Hummer - Five Stages Of Grief (2013) 13 - Acceptance II
  149. 18-Michael Nyman Piano The Heart Asks Pleasure First
  150. 19 Kirill Richter - CHRONOS (2019) 08 - Chronos
  151. 19 Kitaro 1992 - Dream 05 - A Passage Of Life
  152. 19 Richard Wagner - Melancholia (2011) 6. End of the World (Tristan and Isolde)
  153. 19 The Crown Season 2 2017 - Season 2 by Lorne Balfe 05. Your Majesty
  154. 20 Glass Philip - The Hours ost 10 - Why Does Someone Have To Die
  155. 21 Bach Matthaeus Passion Erbarme dich Julia Hamari Goennewein 1969 in Tarkovsky Offret
  156. 21 Enya 1991 Shepherd Moons 02. Caribbean Blue
  157. 21 Kitaro 1992 - Dream 09 - Symphony Of Dreams
  158. 23 Andreas Vollenweider 1986 Down to The Moon 01 Down To The Moon
  159. 23 kazus kukotskogo toska
  160. Zyrah - The Children From Game Of Thrones (3:46)
  161. 24 Andreas Vollenweider 1986 Down to The Moon 02 Moon Dance
  162. 24 Kitaro 1992 - Lady of Dreams 05 - After The Rain
  163. 24 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 01-Seed
  164. 24. 100 Cellos, Giovanni Sollima, Abel Selaocoe - 20. The Cold Song (Live)
  165. 25 Kitaro 1992 - Lady of Dreams 06 - A Passage Of Life
  166. 25 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 02-Spiral
  167. 26 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 03-Circle
  168. 26 Zhilin Jazz trio Flower valse
  169. 27 Enigma 1996 - Le Roi Est Mort Vive Le Roi 04. Beyond the Invisible
  170. 27 Highlander - Zeus Faber
  171. 27 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 04-Hanging Gardens
  172. 27 Schnittke - Film music - The Fairytales of the Wanderings - 10. Final
  173. 28 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 05-Chorale
  174. 29 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 06-Pulse
  175. 30 Olafur Arnalds 2011 Living Room songs 02 Near Light
  176. 31 Enigma 1996 - Le Roi Est Mort Vive Le Roi 08. T.N.T. For The Brain
  177. 31 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 08-White Wings
  178. 32 James Horner - Titanic -Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch
  179. 32 Malikov Pianomania Lola
  180. 32 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 09-Cobalt
  181. 33 - Einaudi Zhivago Starostin Kogda ya uidu Talking To You
  182. 33 James Horner - Titanic 1-09 The Sinking
  183. 33 Oystein Sevag 1997 - Bridge 10-Annual Rings
  184. 38 Dj Dado - Temple Of Fire
  185. 39 Classical Spirit - Sonata # Xiv
  186. 39 Krutoy-When I close the eyes
  187. 42 Sina Vodjani - Sacred Buddha - Straight To The Heart
  188. 44 Ludovico Einaudi 2006 - Divenire 02 - Divenire
  189. 45 Jean Michel Jarre The Symphonic 05.Equinoxe 4
  190. 46 Andreas Vollenweider 1991 Book of Roses 14 Jours D'Amour
  191. 47 Il Divo - 01 - Unbreak My Heart (Regresa A Mi)
  192. 47 Ludovico Einaudi 2006 - Divenire 06 - Primavera
  193. 47 Tin hat Trio - Book of Silk. The Longest Night
  194. 55 Sunwrae - Autumn Never Fall - Chinook Winds
  195. 56 Moulin Rouge Your Song
  196. 57 Jacques Loussier. Encore! Concerto F minor, BMV 1056, Largo
  197. 59 Ludovico Einaudi 2009- Nightbook 06-Ludovico Einaudi - Eros
  198. 68 Warren G&Sissel - Prince Igor
  199. 79 Andreas Vollenweider book of roses -Chanson de l'heure bleue
  200. 81 Dave.Brubeck 1959 - Time Out 03-Take Five
  201. 82 Arnalds Olafur Eulogy For Evolution - 19-53
  202. 83 Max Richter - The Last Days On Mars - 2013 23. Its Full of Stars
  203. 85 Maksim Mrvica A new world- Somewhere In Time The Old Woman
  204. 90 Thomas Newman Up Close & Personal- She Knows Now
  205. 99 - Igor Vdovin Gamma Coda (the end)
  206. 99 Korzeniowski A Single Man Clock Tick
  207. Andreas Vollenweider Book of roses-La strega
  208. Armand Amar - La musique de la Terre vue du ciel (2004) 03 Terra Incognita
  209. Arvo Part Tabula Rasa - Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten
  210. Bartoli Cecilia - Sospiri 2010 (02)Giacomelli · Merope Sposa non mi conosci
  211. Brightman Sarah Brightman - Classics [2006] 02 Sarah Brightman - Anytime Anywhere
  212. CRAIG ARMSTRONG The Space Between Us Weather Storm
  213. Drum & Piano Project (Endi & Havasi) - Freedom (2011) 04 -The Storm
  214. Enya 1988 Watermark 02 - Cursum Perficio
  215. Era Era - Cathar Rhythm
  216. Farinelli, il Castrato OST 02 Alto Giove Air D'Acio
  217. In the nursery -L'Esprit 04 - Azure Wings
  218. In the Nursery 1990 - L'esprit 01. To The Faithful
  219. In the nursery L Esprit - Retaliation
  220. Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene 9
  221. Karajan Gold Schumann; Grieg -- Piano Concertos 04 Grieg - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A minor, Op.16 - I
  222. Kitaro - Soul of the Sea
  223. M83, Anthony Gonzalez & Joseph Trapanese - Oblivion (2013) 02. Waking Up
  224. Madredeus 1987 Os dias da Madre Deus 01 - As montanhas
  225. Max Richter 2008 - Waltz With Bachir (OST) 03. The Haunted Ocean 1
  226. Moulin Rouge OST Show Must Go On
  227. Oystein Sevag Bridge The Hermit's Horse
  228. Pavarotti Una Furtiva Lagrima - L'йlisir D'amore, Donizetti
  229. Sarah Brightman - Hijo De La Luna
  230. Serra Eric Serra - The Fifth Element 1997 Complete Score 40 - The Diva Plavalaguna
  231. Shapplin Emma 1997 - Carmine Meo 07 - Reprendo Mai Piu
  232. Sissel 2006 - Into Paradise 04 - Dido`s Lament
  233. Sviatoslav Richter (1969) Bach - The Well Tempered Clavier - Book 1 - Prelude 8, BWV 853
  234. Sviatoslav Richter - 1. Moderato (11:12)
  235. Sviatoslav Richter - 2. Adagio sostenuto (11:54)
  236. Sviatoslav Richter - 3. Allegro con fuoco (7:06)
  237. Sviatoslav Richter - 3. Allegro scherzando (11:43)
  238. Jean-Pierre Taieb - Theme from "The Divide" (2:00)
  239. David Wingo - At the Beach (2:21)
  240. Thomas Newman - Up Close (2:47)
  241. Yann Tiersen - La Valse D'Amelie (orchestra version) (2:00)
  242. James Horner - My Heart Will Go On - Performed by Celine Dion (5:10)
  243. Johnny Klimek, Reinhold Heil, Tom Tykwer - Prelude: The Atlas March (1:15)
  244. Johnny Klimek, Reinhold Heil, Tom Tykwer - The Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra (4:57)
  245. Vangelis - 04 - Movement IV (with Monserrat Caballe) (6:26)
  246. Vangelis - 02 - Conquest of Paradise (4:48)
  247. Vangelis - 06 - Prelude (4:25)
  248. Andreas Vollenweider - Vollenweider Andreas 1991 Book of Roses 08 In The Woods Of Kroandal (3:14)
  249. Andrew Lloyd Webber - The Phantom Of The Opera (5:03)
  250. Webber Phantom Of The Opera 07. The Music Of The Night

воскресенье, 4 октября 2020 г.

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 7 - Late Autumn

 The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio 2020 - 7 - Late Autumn

( Modern classical, new age) -
download-скачать-mp3 collection
Playlist files:
  1. 01 Nicolas Prost Façades (6:41)
  2. Ludwig Göransson - THE ALGORITHM (5:58)
  3. Joseph Trapanese - Power (6:01)
  4. 04 MJ Cole MJ Cole Presents Madrugada 2020 Cathedral (5:40)
  5. 05 Aleksey Kantsiru Explorations 2020 Night (3:14)
  6. 06 Jasper Moss & Prague String Orchestra Triptych 2020 Triptych I. Andante con moto (4:02)
  7. 07 Dmitry Selipanov 2020 Moonlight (7:01)
  8. 08 Anton Kleinmand Tube Hurrycane 2020 Doorstep (2:01)
  9. 09 In the Shadow of Being Music Is the Language of Nature 2019 No More Time (4:11)
  10. 10 Bowie Cello Symphonic Blackstar 2020 Lazarus (6:45)
  11. 11 Massimo Germini Il brusio delle parole 2020 Ulisse racconta (1:56)
  12. 12 Paul French King and Castle 2020 A Feast in Celebration (2:18)
  13. 13 Orchestre des Pays de Savoie Orient and Occident (6:41)
  14. Whitetree - Other Nature (Remastered 2020) (4:39)
  15. John Hayes - Arrival (4:28)
  16. Henryk Mikołaj Górecki - Symphony no. 3, op. 36: II. Lento e largo – Tranquillissimo (8:58)
  17. 04 Marco Samuel Scenery 2020 Antarctica No. 5, Aurora Borealis on the Antarctic Ice (2:51)
  18. 05 Atlantic Harp Duo Ariadne Rediviva 2020 The Crown of Ariadne VI. Labyrinth Dance (3:30)
  19. Rene de Bakker - Procrastination (7:37)
  20. Lisa Lerkenfeldt - Music for Three Combs (4:43)
  21. Gladium Regis - Tales from the Winter Twilight (4:40)
  22. Lorenzo Gatto, Julien Libeer - Violin Sonata No. 9 in A Major, Op. 47 "Kreutzer": III. Finale (Presto) (8:40)
  23. Sarah Davachi - Diaphonia Basilica (5:47)
  24. David Arkenstone - The Measure of Existence (3:34)
  25. Secret Garden - Air (from the Expo Suite) (3:16)
  26. Ludovico Einaudi - Choros (Remastered 2020) (5:50)

суббота, 3 октября 2020 г.

Omdaru radio music 2020 39 ( Modern classical, new age )

 Omdaru radio music 2020 39 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

Playlist files:
  1. Ludovico Einaudi - Fuori Dal Mondo (Remastered 2020) (4:58)
  2. Secret Garden - Passacaglia (3:47)
  3. David Arkenstone;Luanne Homzy - What We Do In Life... Echoes In Eternity (4:30)
  4. R Beny - Alone in the Pavilion (4:36)
  5. Whitetree - Other Nature (Remastered 2020) (4:39)
  6. John Hayes - Arrival (4:28)
  7. Nicolas Jaar - Agosto (2:47)
  8. Gladium Regis - Tales from the Winter Twilight (4:40)
  9. Secret Garden - Once In A Red Moon (5:02)
  10. Ludovico Einaudi - Choros (Remastered 2020) (5:50)
  11. Leifur James - Circles (2:03)
  12. Lisa Lerkenfeldt - Music for Three Combs (4:43)
  13. Rene de Bakker - Procrastination (7:37)
  14. Nicolas Jaar - Garden (5:25)
  15. Ludovico Einaudi - Giorni Dispari (Remastered 2020) (5:15)
  16. John Hayes - Stasis (3:49)
  17. R Beny - Shimmering and Obvious (6:13)
  18. David Arkenstone - The Measure of Existence (3:34)
  19. Secret Garden - Air (from the Expo Suite) (3:16)
  20. Ludovico Einaudi - Experience (Starkey Remix / Remastered 2020) (5:44)

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 Support Omdaru project!  Download The 220 Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio project music 2009-2024 Winter  ( modern classical, new ...

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