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четверг, 28 апреля 2022 г.

Omdaru radio music 2022 16 ( Modern classical, new age )

   Omdaru radio music 2022 16 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. Roger Eno - A Place We Once Walked (6:03)
  2. Erik Wшllo - Sound And Shadows (7:54)
  3. Robin Carolan & Sebastian Gainsborough - Raven’s Omen (2:22)
  4. Andrew Lahiff - Numerical Archeology (6:49)
  5. Joep Beving - Dervish (8:45)
  6. Casually Here - Rhubarb Skies (7:04)
  7. Marcel Barsotti - 4th Dimension (3:11)
  8. Yasuaki Shimizu - Ore no Umi (5:49)
  9. Erik Wшllo - Arcos Iris (8:06)
  10. HKE x Zomby - I Dream (6:16)
  11. 11 Bamboo Mystics - 2021 - Swara suci 05. Eclipse
  12. 12 Clint Mansell & Kevin Kiner. 2021. Doom Patrol 20. Super Team Ready
  13. 13 Misleading Structures - 2022 - Plethora 07 - Submerged Outpost
  14. 14 Hesham Nazih - Moon Knight (2022) 13. The Boat
  15. 15 Sarah Willis - Mozart y Mambo 2020 09 - Carrillo- Dos Gardenias
  16. 16 Erik Satie - 2012 - belle de nuit (Satsuki Shibano, Yoshio Ojima) 03. Six Nocturnes, 2e nocturne
  17. 17 Mozart - Piano Concertos (Jean-Efflam Bavouzet) 17. Piano Concerto No. 8 in C Major, K. 246 Lutzow II. Andante
  18. 18 Giovanni & Antonio Maria Bononcini - Cello Sonatas (2022) 19. Sonata IV I. Largo
  19. 19 Dmitry Demenkov- Meditation
  20. 20 Andrew Lahiff - The People Under the Stars - 12 Homing Beacon
  21. 21 Robin Carolan & Sebastian Gainsborough - The Northman (2022) 42. Make Your Passage Valhalla
  22. 22 Erik Wollo - 2022 - Sojourns 10 - Chrysalis
  23. 23 Roger Eno - The Turning Year (2022) 14. Low Cloud, Dark Skies

воскресенье, 17 апреля 2022 г.

The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio - 2022 - 3 - Late Spring ( Modern classical, new age )

    The Best of Visual neoclassical Omdaru radio - 2022 - 3 - Late Spring

( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. Wychazel - Touching the Source (7:36)
  2. Огниво - Голос из Хора (8:42)
  3. Tangerine Dream - Continuum (7:11)
  4. Arthur Hull - Pagoda Sunrise (3:39)
  5. Roedelius/Tim Story - Crisscrossing (4:51)
  6. Torozebu - Tales From The Doumbek (2:17)
  7. Midori Hirano - Vale (Midori Hirano Rework) (5:11)
  8. Zola Jesus - Prime (4:15)
  9. Slow World - Kitsune (5:09)
  10. Carmen Villain - Future Memory (5:02)
  11. 11 Oreste - 2022 - Unfull Psalmodian Theory 07 - Shimmering Reflection (Original Mix)
  12. 12 David Thomas - Ani Yun Wiya (Best Of) 2018 12. Remember, Honor and Celebrate
  13. 13 Imaginarion - From The Perfect Past EP (2022) 03 - Purple In The Dark
  14. 14 Denis Dolheimer - 2022 - Warme 11 - Mit Vernunft (2. Version)
  15. 15 Jordane Tumarinson Odyssee 2022 - Les montagnes se soulevèrent
  16. 16 Robbie Lee and Lea Bertucci - 2022 - Winds Bells Falls 01. Glitter and Gleam
  17. 17 James Asher & Arthur Hull - 2022 - Energised By Stars 05 - From The Ground Up
  18. 18 VA - Anthology of Contemporary Music From Middle East - 2019 05. Hasan Hujairi - Prelude for Orpheus
  19. 19 Wychazel - Hang Drum Harmony (2022) 05. Hands of Light

суббота, 9 апреля 2022 г.

Omdaru radio music 2022 15 ( Modern classical, new age )

  Omdaru radio music 2022 15 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. The Green Kingdom - Morning Walk (4:14)
  2. Wychazel - Luminescence (10:02)
  3. Oystein Sevag/Audun Erlien/Paolo Vinaccia/Hakon Skandfer Hansen - Dance Of Angels (4:23)
  4. Zola Jesus - Prime (4:15)
  5. Quiver Vex - hypnagogia (6:34)
  6. Denis Dolheimer - Mit Vernunft (2. Version) (5:53)
  7. 07 Simon Goff - 2022 - Vale Reworked 05 - Vale (Midori Hirano Rework)
  8. 08 Oystein Sevag Space for a Crowded World 2012 - A Butterfly's Dream
  9. 09 Slow World - 2022 - Kanji 04 - Slow World - Kitsune
  10. 10 Franz Kirmann - 2022 - Forget Me Not 02 - A Remembrance
  11. 11 Best Available Technology - 2022 - Fixing Until Broke 03 - Memories Can Wait
  12. 12 David Thomas - Ani Yun Wiya (Best Of) 2018 12. Remember, Honor and Celebrate
  13. 13 VA - Anthology of Contemporary Music From Middle East - 2019 05. Hasan Hujairi - Prelude for Orpheus
  14. 14 Oystein Sevag The Red Album 2010 - Waves of Tomorrow
  15. 15 Wychazel - Hang Drum Harmony (2022) 05. Hands of Light
  16. 16 The Green Kingdom - Springhill (2020) 08. Anam Cara

суббота, 2 апреля 2022 г.

Omdaru radio music 2022 14 ( Modern classical, new age )

    Omdaru radio music 2022 14 ( Modern classical, new age ) -

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Playlist files:

  1. Wychazel - Touching the Source (7:36)
  2. Edward Artemiev - Siberiada (6:16)
  3. Oystein Sevag - Seen from Above (6:10)
  4. Judy Wu - Diamond Beach (5:26)
  5. Oystein Sevag - Behind the Mirror (2:32)
  6. Wychazel - Endless Expanse (9:26)
  7. Oystein Sevag/Barbara Buchholz - Song from Another Place (3:29)
  8. 08 Edward Artemiev Mood - Pictures 2010 - Aria
  9. 09 Oystein Sevag Global House 2001 - Psalme
  10. 10 Sankt Otten - 2022 - Symmetrie und Wahnsinn 03 - Sei symmetrisch zu mir
  11. 11 Oystein Sevag Link 1993 - My Heart
  12. 12 Sankt Otten - 2022 - Symmetrie und Wahnsinn 08 - Bis das helle Licht uns holt
  13. 13 Edward Artemiev Mood - Pictures 2010 - Vocalize
  14. 14 Wychazel - Hang Drum Harmony (2022) 03. Synchronicity

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